Cash Grants for Planters on Estate

There was a CASH grants (very local grant in Manchester) that was sucessful to order and plant  big Wooden Planters around the estate. . The Green Zone workers are going to help source the planters and get the materials delivered and co-ordinate with the garden centre. This was based on feedback at some of the Green Zone Events. We’ve got the money now we just need to make it happen.

What’s next? Well, we need volunteers for the next stages

  • finding people who would look after a planter if it was near them
  • working out the shape and location of the planters on the Estate
  • checking the shopping list – (there’s a draft already) – and ordering the plants
  • doing the planting of the plants, with soil, compost and the plants and then looking after them 

If you can help please get in touch with the greenzone on

If you want ideas of what’s possible you could come to one of the ‘Containter Planting’ sessions that the Garden Centre is running.

  • Sun 10th April 11am-1: TARA office
  • Sat 16th April 11am-1: Hulme Community Garden Centre
  • Below is the Cash Grants form which was sent off to get the project started.  


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