Community Spaces – Round 2!

There’s been some great news – the estate was successful with the bid in the first round of the Groundwork Community Spaces fund! The fund is to improve outdoor community spaces, and there’s up to £50,000 for grabs.

If we want to take it forward, the next step is to create the final stage 2 bid, and Groundwork have allocated a facilitator to help a group put a bid together over the next 6 months. We would love to have more people involved in this. You don’t need any experience or particular knowledge, so if you’d like to get involved and pick up some new skills then it would be great to see you. It’s a great opportunity to learn about fundraising and project work.

There is a get-together to talk about the bid, and what people would like to see with our facilitator in the TARA office – 26a Humberstone Avenue on Tuesday 19th April at 7pm. There will be food and drinks and everyone is welcome.

If you can’t make the get together but would like to get involved or
find out more, please call/text on 07814 434936,
or email





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