There are quite a few things coming up in the next week or so, here’s a quick update:
Saturday 16th – Container Planting – 11am-1pm – Hulme Community Garden
A session on sessions on planting in containers. These may be window boxes, pots, baskets planters, or anything that you can get your hands on. We’ll provide compost, soil and they’ll be some plants and seeds available as well. This is a great chance to brighten your balcony or your streets!
Monday 18th – Community Research Session -7pm – TARA office
The Green Zone is working with Redbricks Radio and – hopefully – lots of people on the estate. to do some Audio Recordings. We want to do the following; 1) Case studies for a tool kit so that some of the things we do and we’ve learned can be shared with other similar groups and landlords – 2) Evaluation. What went well and not so well for the Green Zone project -3) Sharing Stories to get some great stories of what has happened on the Estate in audio format for Redbricks Radio.
What we really need are some volunteers to record some of these stories. If you volunteer we’ll train you to use the recording equipment and interview skills, if you need them. In return, it would be great if you could interview a couple of people you know.
Tuesday 19th – Community Spaces Get-together – 7pm – TARA office
A session to meet the facilitator and talk about getting a stage 2 application in to the Groundwork Community Spaces fund.
Urban Gardening – Sunday 8th May, Tuesday 10th May and Tuesday 17th May
A course with Hulme Community Garden Centre on different aspects of gardening for inner city gardens and urban gardeners. Please book for these ones :