Fun packed weekend on #theredbricks

This weekend (& every first full weekend of the month) brings you:

Sewcialise!   a chance to use sewing machines and various useful bits and pieces to mend your clothes, make curtains…anything you can imagine.  This month the times are more limited than usual, 2-4pm Saturday and Sunday, in the TARA office, 26a Humberstone, behind the bike shed.

the Bentley Bike Club has more volunteers helping you fix your bike or just tune up your brakes, just in time for the Tour de France coming nearby!  It happens on Sunday, again shorter hours this month, 1-3pm, in the northern (nearer Hulme St) walk through between Humberstone and Letsbe (the wooded area) Avenues

and the Bentley Exchange  our very own bring and take table(s) – bring things you don’t want, take things you do.  It happens from Saturday noon, till Sunday at 4:30, in the other walk-through between Humberstone and Letsbe.  Best to bring stuff out on Saturday so it doesn’t get put in the landfill, and only working quality things please.

A surprise extra is a gardening day on Leaf Street, on Sunday 2-6pm, so come out to help clear weeds and eat berries!

Contact details for all these groups if you want to help out is here



This entry was posted in Bentley Bike Club, Bentley Exchange, Bikes, Greening the Redbricks, Leaf St Community Garden, Sewcialise. Bookmark the permalink.