Wed 15 May – People’s Kitchen featuring FoodCycle Manchester at Procter’s

FoodCycle Manchester has proposed to cook at Procter’s Youth Centre on Wednesday, May 15th! FoodCycle has teams of volunteers across the country who collect surplus food from shops and supermarkets and turn them into hearty and nutritious meals for members of the general public.

Here in Manchester our team wants to establish regular community cafe events where anyone can come along. As most of the food is donated the costs are minimal so no one will need to pay. We do however have some costs, such as rent and canned goods, so small donations would be welcome to keep the project sustainable. This may mean we can come back and cook again!

We intend to have dinner ready by 8 pm and hopefully some dessert by quarter to 9. However, as this is the first time we’ll be cooking at Procter’s there may be a delay so please bear with us.

If anyone wants to help out then please get in touch at and we’ll get back to you.

Please feel free to invite other people to what we hope is the first of many shared meals within the Hulme community.

The FoodCycle Manchester Team

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