Gardening workshops

Get ready for spring – spruce up your balconies, windows and spaces around the estate.

There’s two gardening workshops coming up that are free for CSM residents:

sowing and planting for beginners on 3rd April, and container growing on 5th April. See the attached flier for details of how to book via City South.

There’s also more of interest at Hulme Community Garden Centre:

an ‘Edible Windowsill’ workshop on 15th April – for a fiver, you get to take home a container with salads, mini-veg and herbs; and starting on 4th April for 5 weeks is a free introductory organic gardening course. See their website at for details of how to book.

If you’re interested in gardening on Leaf Street, get in touch with the Leaf Street gardeners; and if you’re interested in using other spaces and containers around the estate, get in touch with the relevant people via Greening the Redbricks. Leaf Street workdays get advertised as and when they get organised, meetings are listed in the notice-board by the residents’ office on Humberstone; contact details for all groups are at the projects page

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