The Green Zone project is well underway, and many activities have taken place. There have been workshops, skills shares, a trip to the National Wildflower Centre, and a film night.
The final plans for the three main physical improvements from the Groundwork / City South money will be up in the TARA office for people to see from the 21st October. These will be new childrens play
equipment on Leaf St, some green screening of the Mancunian Way and a wildflower area behind Rockdove. These have been designed around all the comments people have made during consultation events, including the MasterPlan event a couple of weeks ago.
In addition to these improvements however, we’ve also been consulting people on the estate about what else you would like to see happen. The ideas for edible tressles, espaliered fruit trees along the fences, planters on Hulme St, and so on, proved popular in the consultations and we are looking at supporting residents to put in funding bids to make these happen.
Plenty more things are planned, including trips to Fairfield Composting and the Offshoots Permaculture Project, some more skills share sessions, and innovative training on how we can be better at making
decisions as a community and hopefully some great local history stuff.
Keep checking the website or the noticeboards on the end of Hunmanby, Leaf St, and outside the tenants office, for news and dates of upcoming events. If you want a chat about more plans for
the future or there’s something you’d like to see, get in touch with Kate or Mick or pop in for a cup of tea and a chat to one of our Thursday drop in sessions in the TARA office between 4 and 6pm.
The Redbricks Radio training was very popular and they’ll be more
chances for you to get involved. Stay tuned on the
website and if you want to record anything as a ‘Hot Topic’ then we can
help you record something at the Green Zone drop in sessions.