The Leaf Street redesign / revamp sessions are happening this October in order to be able to do some work on it over the weekend.
The training is happening at 3 – 5 pm, on 8th and 15th October. We are meeting at the Tenants and Residents Office 26a Humberstone Av before we hit the garden.
It will be Helene from Hulme Community Garden Centre guiding the process, but with the input of others who know about permaculture / communty garden stuff too. The design will be a group decision. It would be great if people wanted to come along and help with the redesign – looking at areas that work really well etc., and rejazzing areas that maybe don’t.
On the 8th we’ll be looking around the garden. The aim is to create a low maintence community garden that allows people to use permaculture techniques, to use as a community space and to be able to do some normal gardening as well.
This session may be useful to you if you want to learn about permaculture / community gardens and suitable plant choices, if you wanted to get more involved in Leaf St, or if you have ideas / skills to share. Maybe you’ve been involved in the garden the past and would like to pass on or continue the ideas you had.
When the design has been worked on. We’ll have an evening event so that people who are working at this time can also input their ideas.
Or if you can’t make it, feel free to email your thoughts to Leaf St google group.
The idea is then to share the design with the wider community and get feedback at a Leaf St community day on the 13 or 14 of November.