Green Zone Project

The Green Zone Project is a project that aims to help the Bentley House estate be safer, more connected and more sustainable with something for everyone. Existing community groups will be strengthened, and whatever new initiatives residents think up will be supported – we have the power to make the changes we want to see where we live. We will be putting some energy into Leaf St and the other green spaces. The idea is to help create a biodiverse, food producing, low maintenance environment around the estate. We will help to increase recycling, composting and energy saving measures for you too. It’s a joint project between residents, Groundwork and City South Manchester which was made possible by a successful funding bid to the Great Estates fund. Here is the funding bid  and here’s a vox pop that supported the successful application.

What does the Green Zone mean for you?:

It’s a chance to help improve your local area, get involved, learn new skills, meet people and have fun. Whether you want to do something every week, or just dip in when you have some free time, there are going to be loads of chances for everyone to participate. There are already loads of innovative and exciting community groups on the estate so we will be helping you get involved with these, or helping you set up new ones. There will also be lots of events for you to be part of.

We’ll be working to making sure your views are part of the plan, helping organise events and learning and volunteering opportunities, and making sure everyone can get involved.

We’d love everyone to be part of this, and welcome your say. Feel free to contact us to share your ideas and opinions, and to find out more: Phone: Kate 07875 009616 & Mick 07875 010589 or email

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